Blogger Reviews We've not sought many reviews from book bloggers. Here are links to the ones which have been published to date. Jera's Jamboree: The Cordello Quest Me, My Books & I: The Cordello Quest All Things Bookie: The House of the Stormwind Jera's Jamboree: Dark Perfume - Tales of Light and Shadow © The Lazuli Portals / Joanna Gawn |
Radio We were interviewed live on air by Stafford FM's Ian Beddow! [The podcast link is no longer available - sorry.] Our thanks to Ian for hosting us on his Mind Body Spirit Show. Magazine Lightworker Magazine was set up to inspire, challenge and educate those dedicated to the art of positive living. The Cordello Quest was featured in Lightworker Mag's final, February 2012 issue (with a 'Zest' theme.) You can read the feature on pages 13-14 of this issue. Access the magazine here. Newspaper We wrote The Legend of Marina Cove for local readers. This story was published in The Torbay Times in early 2013. Guest posts
We've also been honoured by invitations to guest on other blogs! As and when our pieces are published, we'll share them here. The Lazuli Portals Take CentreStage The joys and tribulations of co-authorship. We were delighted to be featured on Nicky Wells' blog (she writes rock star romance, so go and check her out if you enjoy reading that genre!) Thursday Throng Our interview with Linda Parkinson-Hardman. Find out how Ron would commit the perfect murder, what inspires Joanna to write, and which one of us tinkles the ivories! Stationery Love Our self-confessed addiction to stationery is revealed in this post hosted by Shaz of Jera's Jamboree! Inspiration Month We share what inspired us to begin writing, as a duo, and how The Cordello Quest came to life. Samhain Week at Jera's Jamboree We shared our ghostly short story Knock, Knock and gave away 2 ecopies of The House of the Stormwind and Other Short Stories to readers. Soulmate Experience duo Mali and Joe interviewed us about our special, non-romantic soulmate connection. Writing Partners on Anneli's blog A little autobiography, and the "why" and the "how" of our writing partnership. A Q&A over at Jera's Jamboree Which authors inspired us to write; what do we feel about short stories; which of our characters are our favourites; and many more! On writing as a duo ... and finishing a trilogy! A chat about how our writing partnership has adjusted over the course of writing The Lazuli Portals trilogy, and where we might go now that it is complete! |