Orbs of Life by Joanna
The Orb of Life is very special healing gift. I have made over 100 of them for others, and have 18 of my own. The Orb of Life was originally created by Ole Gabrielsen and is an "etheric ball" of high-frequency life-force energy .... one which continually recharges. (This is what makes it different from a simple energy ball.)
Anyone can receive and use an Orb simply by purchasing one as an attunement, and then calling the Orb to you as instructed. (I regret that since closing Winter Jasmine Reiki in order to focus more time and energy on my writing, I no longer offer these attunements or sessions to clients.)
The Orb sits above your crown chakra. It is very unlikely that you will see, hear or smell it (although some people do!) however you may feel it "tickling" your head! The Orb remains in position in your energy field and "drip-feeds" life-force energy into your aura 24/7, as well as protecting you from negative energies. Your Orb will last a lifetime but there is no need to stop at just one. The Orb of Life empowerment enables you to create your own Orbs of Life (for yourself and/or others).
Some sensitive animals have been known to act very strangely when in the presence of a new Orb -which can be very funny! If your mature animal starts acting like a kitten/puppy again, your new Orb may be the reason ...
How else can you use your Orb? The possibilities are limitless, bounded only by your imagination, but here are some examples:
- clear a room of negative energy
- charge a liquid with life-force energy (be careful on expensive wine or fizzy drinks though, as they will taste awful afterwards!)
- clear your chakras, aura or meridians (I often ask that they are 'optimised')
- clear (or optimise) another person's chakras, aura or meridians
- ask it for healing or support, on any level
- lend your Orb to someone for healing or support
- help you to fall asleep
- possibly stop a barking dog - you are advised to ask your Orb to request that the dog be quiet. Ask nicely!
- try using it to heal the Earth - she needs our positive energies and healing more than ever.