Spiritual Animal Healer Program
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This is a very in-depth healer program, designed for healing both domestic and wild animals, and their environment. A knowledge of energy work would be useful. You can read more about this system here.
You will receive 7 attunements, each lasting 20-30 minutes (totalling 2h20 - 3h30), and 6 manuals, which together form a complete system. The manuals provide information about working with animals, their behaviour and their needs, in addition to explaining how to use each of the nine symbols.
You will receive 7 attunements, each lasting 20-30 minutes (totalling 2h20 - 3h30), and 6 manuals, which together form a complete system. The manuals provide information about working with animals, their behaviour and their needs, in addition to explaining how to use each of the nine symbols.